People Change

Each of us is the main character and the star in a novel called My Life where the following rules apply:
(a) We are present in everything that happens to us from the introduction to the conclusion (birth to death).
(b) We have a single point of view: our own.
(c) We have no choice as to our physical characteristics, the country we are born in, our parents or our up-bringing and hence to what we are when we start out.
(d) Our reaction to outside stimulation is mostly controlled by our subconscious so we don't know how we will react to new stimulation until it actually happens.
(e) We strive to be the best we can be and do the best we can for ourselves and perhaps our close ones.
(f) Our character does not change much. The amount of change we are capable of largely depends on our experiences and our character.

In a novel, life's principles are repeated.

A Book-Tile Poster

One thing I missed, after I started to read and store e-book fiction only, was looking at the books themselves. They didn't gather dust, they had freed-up a lot of space and I didn't have a fire hazard but I did have a blank wall where my bookcase used to be. Books added a lot of colour and warmth to that wall and reminded me of pleasant things. Now I had nothing. Then one day I had an idea. What if I made a large, poster-size tile of the book covers? It would add colour to the room, and when I got close, I could actually see the individual book covers rather than just the spines on a normal bookcase. It looked great in my imagination. How would it fair in real life?

I could bring-up my paperbacks from the basement, line them up on the floor and photograph them. But why get stuck with covers I didn't like? Wouldn't it be nice to choose the book cover I liked the most for each book? I googled “great expectations charles dickens book cover” and chose 'images' rather than 'web'. Sure enough I got a large number of book covers as well as the image analysis when I hovered with my mouse over them. From these I picked the one I liked the most and downloaded it at the largest analysis available. It seemed simple enough so I printed a listing of all fiction books I had read and got started. When I couldn't decide between two covers, I downloaded both of them. Two days later I had a file with almost 250 book covers that I liked or was emotionally attached to.